"Donne in politica: Una sindaca ha tre volte più probabilità di essere aggredita rispetto a un collega uomo", Vanity Fair, December 8th, 2024
"Why are female politicians more often targeted with violence?
New findings confirm depressing suspicions"
The Conversation, November 26, 2024
"A thaw in scientific relations could help clear the air in India and Pakistan"
Nature Editorial, October 30th, 2024
"Local government actions can curb air pollution in India and Pakistan"
Nature News & Views, October 23, 2024
"Government interventions can reduce deadly air pollution in South Asia",
November 1st, 2024, Brown News
"In Italia abbiamo un grave problema di violenza contro le donne in politica"
September 18th, 2024, Elle
"Le donne in politica nel mirino degli hater",
July 25th, 2024, Repubblica
"Violence against female politicians"
September 21, 2023, Vox EU.
“Exploiting migrants can help criminal groups expand to new countries”
July 16, 2021, The Loop, ECPR.
“Politicians” – Faces of Assassination Podcast
May 10, 2021, Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime
“Locked Down, Lashing Out: What’s driving anti-Asian hate crimes”
April 12, 2021, Political Violence at a Glance
"Hate crimes against Asians more frequent in areas with high unemployment"
March 24, 2021, Phys.Org
“Hate crimes against Asians in Italy linked to economic woes”
March 23, 2021, PennToday
“How the mafia uses violence to control politics”
October 18, 2018, The Moderate Voice
“How the mafia uses violence to influence Italian politics”
October 1st, 2018, The Local
“How the mafia uses violence to control politics”
September 26, 2018, The Conversation
“What Italy’s Referendum Means for Europe” – Podcast
December 6, 2016, Knowledge@Wharton
“Le mafie in comune: cosa dicono i numeri”
August 16, 2016,